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Vision and Mission

Enoch Lankas' vision and mission statement provide a clear purpose, inspire stakeholders, guide decision-making, attract support, differentiate the organization, and foster accountability and transparency. It serves as a foundational element for our organization's operations and helps create a lasting impact in the pursuit of goals.


"To serve,
but not to be served


  • Providing assistance to needy school children of less  privileged  families, studying  in grade (IV) up-to Advanced level.

  • Tuition support to students up to GCE A/L. students are entitled to reimbursed for a portion/full of their tuition fees upon meeting certain criteria, such as maintaining a certain GPA or successfully completing their studies.

  • Support for poor and needy individuals and families. Merits and demerits of the cases received will be assessed and analyzed when they are received. Assistanace will be limited to a sum less than Rs.25,000.

  • Assistance to be extended during national disasters. Here the maximum amount to an individual will be Rs.25,000/-. Amount to be spent on above activities within a year, would  be restricted to Rs.1.0 Million.

  • Allowing undertaking of any feasible project, carrying social importance as decided by the board  on case by case basis.

  • In future the amount of financial support to each category could be increased based on the funds collected.