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Fund Raising Project - Sale of Used Clothes

December, 2022

Considering the current economic situation in the country and realizing that it is difficult to seek support from many people, the governing board first decided to collect used clothes in good condition and hold a sale to raise funds. Accordingly, it was held on 10.12.2022 at Fatima Convent.

Friends and relations generously supported this project and we could collect 890 pieces for the sale. In order to enable the low-income earners to get clothes at an affordable price, the prices were fixed at a minimum of Rs.25/- and a maximum of Rs.500/-.

Just as we received some money from the sale for distributing books, on the other hand, low-income earners also got an opportunity to buy valuable clothes at a low cost. It was a very successful project and a gross income of Rs.93,050/- could be collected.

All Sisters of the convent extended their fullest cooperation to make this event a success. We take this opportunity to thank them profusely.